Theater artiste and actor Rekha Rana who recently replaced item girl Shakshi Pradhan in the film The Underground, directed by Hemant Nilam Das has lashed out at Pakistani item girl Veena Malik, saying that she obtained fake “invitation letters” from Indian producers and production houses to enable her to continue working in India in 2011.
Says Rekha Rana whose debut movie Ab Hoga Dharna Unlimited released on 13 April this year, “In November-December 2011, Veena Malik was shooting for Hemant Madhukar’s film Mumbai 125 km.
However, she has obtained “invitation work letters” from director and producer Hemant Nilam Das of Innovation Next Media – a Mumbai-based production house to enable her to get her visa extended and to work in India.”
This statement was confirmed by this journalist in a tape-recorded interview with producer Hemant Nilam Das who has backed up Rekha Rana’s claims.
Says Hemant Nilam Das, “For about two months during October and November 2012, Pratik (Veena Malik’s manager) took about 2-3 invitation letters from my two production houses on the grounds that Veena Malik needs to extend her Visa. As I had signed Veena Malik for one of my projects, I issued those letters.
However, subsequently we dropped her from the film because of her unprofessional attitude and the fact that she kept getting into one controversy or the other without informing us. My films are of a serious nature and the nude FHM cover shoot was the icing on the cake.
Then she was involved in some disappearing or kidnapping controversy. She would release news items to the media without informing us and we would have to face a lot of inconvenience with our financiers and others. We hence decided to drop Veena Malik from our projects, ” said Das, backing Rekha Rana’s claims.
Further, Veena Malik’s visa was city specific, yet she was travelling all over India which is very surprising, claims Rekha Rana adding that “one fine day we discovered that she was shooting for Madhukar’s Mumbai 125 when she was actually supposed to work for Das’ film.
We wonder if she misrepresented to the Indian Visa authorities as to whom she was working for. Her manager had several invitation work letters issued to her from various production houses to back up her legitimate claim of having work in India. Most of these projects never even materialized.
Veena Malik has tried every trick in the book to manipulate the legal system in India. She got letters and documents prepared from Indian production houses which were technically speaking incorrect and invalid. What has happened to her so-called legal notice to FHM magazine? Why has she not pursued it?
If her photos were misused by the magazine, she should have gone to court. Why is she quiet on the issue now, asks Rekha Rana?”